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Autism Employment Program
Avalon Employment Inc. was thrilled to announce the launch of a new Autism Employment Pilot in June 2020. Since launching, the program has successfully expanded throughout the province and has connected a number of skilled and talented individuals on the spectrum to meaningful employment in their area of interest and experience.
Through session based Professional Development, the program intends to support the participating Job Seekers through the job searching process, developing and improving upon social and communicative goals and in preparing a personalized employee tool kit which will provide strategies and accommodations to encourage independence and success in the work place.
The program will also work with employers to provide insight into accommodations and strategies to support the employed Job Seeker as they work independently.
Participating Job Seekers under the program are 18 years of age or older, have a diagnosis of Autism and are able to work independently. There is no funding for a job coach under this program. This program is funded by the Department of Immigration, Population Growth, and Skills of Newfoundland and Labrador.
For more information please contact our Program Facilitator by emailing, or by calling 1 (709) 579-4866.

Avalon Employment Autism Employment Facilitator Project
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